So Cheeto Nero unveiled his Supreme Court nominee last night, Neil Gorsuch. I say give the guy a chance.
Fellow progressives, let's be pragmatic rather than petulant. Let's be the adults here. Let's "go high" as Michelle Obama famously said.
Before his name was announced, some Democrats swore trump*'s pick for the Supreme Court would never get a hearing as long as there was breath in a single Democrat's body. After all, turnabout is fair play ran the argument. The Republicans refused to give President Barack Obama's final Supreme Court nominee a hearing. They were blatant about it. The GOP was not going to give anyone Obama selected any chance at all, because...Obama.
Yes, that was offensive, unfair, undemocratic, nasty, uncouth, etc.
Let's be better than that. Let's not be, to paraphrase Bobby Jindal, "the asshole party."
Tit for tat works on a preschool playground. We are not on a preschool playground, despite the toddler tendencies of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue's current resident.
Gorsuch is intelligent and qualified. He has read the Constitution. It's not like Gorsuch is an ambulance chaser bannontrump found through a glance at a back-of-phonebook lawyer ad. He does not want to demolish the Supreme Court. Think about it. He is the only person Orange Man has nominated for anything who does not have utter disdain for the office he is seeking. Yes, Gorsuch is conservative. Anyone who Atrocious Hair nominates will be.
We have to be realistic; 45 is not going to give us Bernie in a black robe. Not. Gonna Happen. Tiny Hands will need some Democratic support to get Gorsuch through. Let him know it's possible, for a price.
It would play right into nazibannon's hands if we Democrats put all our energy and time into obstructing this particular nomination. Instead let's pick our battles, of which there are many, and keep our focus on dethroning the Orange Emperor and his puppetmaster as quickly as possible while minimizing their damage to our country and Constitution.
The Donald's support is not that solid. Part of it comes reluctantly from conservative Evangelicals who held their noses and voted for him because they knew he would nominate a conservative for the Supreme Court vacancy. Now those of us on the Left can say to them, "OK, you've got your conservative justice, now will you *please* help us impeach that immoral cretin?" The grounds on which to do so are many from conflict of interest to incompetence to being broskies with Vladimir Putin.
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