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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Holy fake fire, Batman!

Holy fake fire, Batman, *that* was a heck of an entertaining press conference trump gave this afternoon.
My dislike and distrust of the orange emperor burn with the brightness of a thousand suns. And I consider him lower than a snake's belly in the desert. Still, hot damn but donnie can put on a show!
***golf clap***
***clears throat***
However, we must not allow such circus events distract us from the real issue - Russia. Say it with me, "Remember Russia." It is appearing more and more likely that the trumputin bromance runs deep and burns bright. How far back does this relationship go? Did it cost Hillary the election?
We know Russia wanted trump elected.
We know Russia hacked both parties' computer systems.
We know Russia released material harmful to Hillary Clinton's campaign.
We know Hillary won the popular vote.
We know trump won 306 electoral votes because he has repeatedly tells us so. Except he didn't. His vote tally was 304.
We know there was ongoing and extensive communication between trump transition staffers and Russian intelligence. Mike Flynn got fired/was asked to resign over that communication. Or was it for not telling Vice President Mike Pence about that communication?
Now trump wants an investigation into who leaked the American intelligence about the conversations Flynn and Co. had or didn't have with Russian intelligence. Question mark. That's the "fake fire."
Here's what I want to know - Did Team Russia and Team Trump discuss how best to beat Hillary? That would be collusion. That would invalidate trump's "victory."
Let. That. Sink. In.
We must demand en masse a full and independent investigation into trump's ties to putin and Russia. The scope must include the campaign leading up to the general election, the transition, and these early weeks of this administration.
Meanwhile, back at the East Room, this afternoon's press conference was highly entertaining and truly horrifying. It was trump at his evil id "best," by which I mean dishonest, rude, self-centered, disingenuous, combative, racist, moronic.... I am running out of room for adjectives here, but you get the idea.
Seriously, I can't wait to see what fun Saturday Night Live has with this afternoon's press conference. How is Alec Baldwin possibly going to top trump's self-parody of a narcissistic blowhard? Perhaps we can have a cold open with Melissa "Sean Spicer" McCarthy just repeatedly banging his/her/their head on the press podium.
If you missed the event or the absurdities piled on too high and fast to intellectually process, NPR has posted this annotated transcript.
But don't let the show and "fake fire" distract you from the real issue - Russia and trump; trump and Russia. Full, independent investigation needed NOW.

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