We are three weeks (is that all?!) into 45's presidency, a reign many of us on the Left greeted with fear, anxiety, and rage.
Today I find myself a bit less fearful than I was two weeks ago. This is not because 45 is a better president than I'd feared. Far from it.
He's just not that scary and all-powerful, particularly when we refuse to grant him that power to make us fearful. Yes, he has power but so do we. Ours is growing stronger by the day, aided by those who stand up to him, whether they be judges, forest rangers, or ordinary women and men marching with pink hats. We are gaining our voice and political savvy. And we are fast learners, unlike 45.
What is 45 gaining? Ridicule, well deserved ridicule for his words, actions, even wardrobe. He wants respect and admiration while clearing demonstrating he deserves neither. And so he is mocked, viciously. Nothing defeats fear and perceived power quicker than mockery.
Recently it was leaked that 45 spends his nights wandering aimlessly around the White House in a bathrobe. Hardly the image of an all-powerful head of state. I can picture him shuffling past portraits of his predecessors perhaps in gold lame' slippers, one size too large and just a tad tattered, muttering to himself about how his aides have failed him and need to be fired. The tiny fingers on his tiny hands tapping out misspelled and incoherent tweets on his outdated phone. I bet that phone still has Roman numerals.
This image of 45 is about as nightmare-inducing as Professor Snape wearing Neville's grandmother's grandest dead bird hat in one of the J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books. The lesson's object was to teach Harry and his fellow Hogwarts students how to defeat their deepest fears by turning them into something ridiculous.
Our 45 does not need help looking ridiculous. He is not a destroyer of worlds, just a tinpot wannabe tyrant with all the intellect, social graces, and emotional maturity of a toddler. Rather pathetic, actually.
Yes, it is pathetic that just enough voters in key electoral college states bought into 45's lies and delusions of grandeur to put him in the White House. For now.
Hopefully little 45 will soon decide this game of playing president is boring and we are all being very mean to him and it's just not fair and his friends are making him look silly and he's going to march right back to his golden tower in his bathrobe and then we won't have 45 to kick around anymore so there.
Keep up the mockery. He makes it so easy. Call out every lie, with sarcasm when possible. Confront every hurtful action. Ridicule every absurd statement. Keep up the pressure on his ego and self-image.
As all toddlers do, he will leave a frightful mess when he goes, whether voluntarily or by impeachment. And that may take years to clean up but I for one am not afraid of a bit of elbow grease.
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