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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Jeff Sessions was warned

Jeff Sessions was warned about perjury, lying under oath to his Senate colleagues during his confirmation.
He was given an explanation.
Nevertheless, he persisted.
Sessions clearly had contact with Russian officials as a trump surrogate during the campaign. He has no business, zero, being this nation's "top cop." He did not have business becoming a federal judge in the 1980s and was rightfully denied that post for his well-documented racism.
That issue came up during confirmation hearing yet voices raising those racism concerns were silenced. We all remember that now infamous Sen. Mitch McConnell statement to Sen. Elizabeth Warren: She was warned; she was given an explanation; nevertheless, she persisted. Jewelry, T-shirts, even tattoos have been made with that phrase.
Now it is time for Sessions to sit down and be quiet. He is clearly part of a much bigger problem of Russian interference with our nation's executive branch. That interference must be thoroughly and independently investigated. All who are tainted must leave or be removed from office. Our national sovereignty is at stake.
Those of us who love our country must warn, explain, and persist in calling out collusion with foreign governments. Those who collude with Russia have no business being public office. Those who collude and lie to Congress under oath about it, need to be gone yesterday.

UPDATE - AG Sessions has recused himself from investigating alleged Russian ties to the trump campaign. That is not enough. He needs to resign. Or be fired. And face perjury charges.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Recusal is not enough. Sessions needs to resign. If not, the impeach him. He needs to face perjury charges. He needs to go in front of a Grand Jury.
