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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A grownup helped 45 with his (hate) speech

It had sentences and stuff!
Yes, 45 did manage to read complete sentences from his dreaded Teleprompter last night. He even condemned racism and anti-semitism and *seemed* to mean it early in his speech. Don't be fooled, though. His cabinet and his policies attest to bigotry of the highest and most dangerous order. The vast majority of last night's speech followed along with that nationalist theme. It was a bit more subtle. He used his indoor voice but the menace was there, just under the surface.
It was there when he used fear-triggering words to describe immigrants and Muslims and the "need" for a wall on our southern border. It was there when he went on about high crime, though violent crime has been declined for many years. It was there when he used his favorite phrase "radical Islamic terrorism" while ignoring the white supremacists who have killed and maimed so many Americans. And it was there when he spoke of standing by law enforcement without mentioning that such support *must* come with accountability. Numerous police departments have ongoing poor relationships with the African-American communities in their towns due to officers shooting unarmed African-American civilians. No mention was made of *that* racism.
ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) roundups should alarm us all. Contrary to what 45 says, the vast majority of those being rounded up for deportation are not drug dealers and gang leaders. They are working parents trying to support their children. They are business owners who support their communities. They are our neighbors.
It is as if 45 wants us to fear and hate immigrants, Muslims, and people of color. I won't. But I will fear and speak out against an administration that promotes such bigotry through their words, actions, and what they leave unsaid.

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