Just watched with utter revulsion 45's woefully inadequate response to rallying nazis and their deadly vehicular terrorist attack in Charlottesville today. Even from trump, I wanted to be able to expect a little more than blaming "many sides" and a call for "law and order." We all know what "law and order" means in trumpland.
Apparently 45 is incapable of uttering "Racism is bad" or even "Nazis bad." How about "I renounce white supremacy?" He was *directly* asked to do that at this press event. He refused.
I will repeat that. The so-called president of the United States of America refused to condemn white nationalism.
So he owns it.
"We are all Americans first" sounds way too much like "America first," the code phrase for xenophobia, for hatred of anyone who is not of white lineage and English-speaking. The language trump used about violence and safety sounded to me like the "American carnage" fear mongering from his inaugural address.
The white supremacists/nationalists are emboldened by trump, emboldened enough to march with torches, spew hatred, assault clergy leading a peaceful counter-protest, then kill and maim bystanders with a car.
And trump does not condemn them. Instead, he praises the police and National Guard, who reportedly failed to adequately keep white supremacists and counter protesters apart and prevent violence, particularly in the early hours of this event. The difference between police response to white supremacist rioters in Charlottesville and Black Lives Matter protesters last year in Ferguson is beyond striking.
Now we have neonazis within the administration. The White House should not the axis mundi for white nationalism. The previous two sentences should never need to be written.
Together we must make such statements unthinkable again.
This presidency must end. Any hope that 45 would "grow into" his role or that taking the oath of office would some instill sober judgment into his character was misguided.
Since he can't say "Nazis bad," he needs to say "I resign" or America needs to say "You're fired."
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