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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Projected evolution of Donald Trump's public statements on Murder Hornets

Based on his response to Covid-19, here is how I expect Donald Trump's thinking to evolve (devolve) regarding the threat of murder hornets.

These so-called killy-things people are talking about do not exist. They are made up! It's just the Democrats and the lying fake news media trying to make me look bad. Whoever heard of big bees that can kill people? It's stupid. Stop talking about it.

Those flying bite things people are talking about do exist and I've always said they exist. Just check the record. But they're just like little gnats or something. No big deal. I had Jared Google them. Stop overreacting. Stop worrying.

I've been telling people all along these bugs are big. They are in fact bigger than a usual bug and a bit worrisome but it's OK. My wall will keep them out of this country. Mark my words. You're welcome America. Now say "thank you."

So a few of those stingy things somehow made it over the wall. Or avoided the wall on our southern border by coming in from the north and from Canada. Who knew they were so smart? But not to worry. They aren't going to hurt Americans. Be assured of that.

Now these Murder Hornets are a problem, as I have been warning everyone and no one would listen. They sting and it hurts. It even deaths some people. These are not "let's play fetch" insects. They are not pretty little "smell the flower" things. They are death things and death is bad. But don't worry. I have my best people on it. These bugs will disappear suddenly. Just go "whish" and they are away. Won't that be nice? Any day now. Until then, the honeybees can take care of themselves.

As I've said all along these bugs are an ongoing problem. They will be with us awhile. But are they *real* bugs? Like from nature bugs? My advisers are telling me they could actually be little, tiny drones sent to spy on us *and* attack us. That makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? No, I don't have "proof!" Why would I need "proof?" I am telling you they are drones!

So bug spray is apparently not doing much against the bugs, which Mother Nature made because she hates me. She is such a nasty woman. So, just thinking out loud here. Just spit-ballin'. Repellant does not work. How about a flamethrower? Yeah! let's have people try that. Just aim a flamethrower at your arm or wherever the hornets (or should I say whore-nets) sting. Problem solved. You are welcome, America. Now say "thank you."

By the way, I'm dismantling my murder hornet task force now that we have swarms over every major city and town in America. Great job, everyone! Bye now.

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