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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Congress should follow New Zealand's example on massacre response

The root of gun violence is guns.
The simplest and most logical solution to gun violence is to limit access to the deadliest of weapons, such as semi-automatic assault-style weapons like the AR-15. This is the weapon of choice for mass shooters. It does not need to be in the hands of civilians. Period.
Australia figured this out. After a mass school shooting, the nation banned assault rifles. No more mass shootings.
New Zealand just figured it out, too. Hours after gunmen murdered 50 people at two Christchurch mosques, the nation's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Attorney General David Parker announced gun reform legislation, including a semi-automatic weapons ban. Similar legislation has been proposed and rejected before. Not this time.
That is how moral people in authority act in a national crisis.
Not with "thoughts and prayers."
Not with "Now, now, let's not rush to conclusions."
Not with talk of "hardening targets."
Decisive action.
We in America need some long-overdue decisive action from our legislators.
We have suffered too many mass shootings, too many to even count. High schools, college campuses, churches, daycare centers, night clubs, outdoor music festivals, and movie theaters are among the facilities targeted in recent years. The gunman is typically white, male, and armed to the teeth.
Our so-called leaders want us to be afraid of those from outside our country and outside our ethnic demographic, anything and anyone except the actual problem: guns.
In this country, guns are sacred. Our political officials too often value gun rights and NRA dollars over people's lives. That must change.
We must no longer tolerate a "do nothing" Congress on this issue.
It is not a matter of if but when and where the next massacre will happen on American soil. And it does not matter to some who the victims are. They can be children. They can be teenagers. They can be gay. They can be African-American church goers. They can be country music fans. "They" will not convince the American government to end the slaughters.
Only we altogether as the American people can and we must band together now. We must continue to push for gun reform until it happens. We can point to New Zealand as an example of a government that takes needed action. This can be done.
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