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Sunday, December 10, 2017

Sabbath reflection on Trump and redemption

As a Christian, I don’t like to think of anyone as being beyond redemption. The White House’s current occupant, however, presents a bit of a challenge to this ideal. But it is not an unsurmountable one.
The Donald, just as anyone, could conceivably have a conversion experience. But what then? A conversion means a true turning away from one’s past indiscretions. The Donald would need a neck brace for such turning. The church in medieval Europe knew what to do with deposed tyrants, pretenders to the throne, and other royals who had grown too big for their noble britches. Such were banished to monasteries or nunneries, to live the remainder of their days in acts penance and contemplation.
That is what The Donald (now Brother Donald) would need to show true contrition. Exile in a monastery. A distant monastery. Without wi-fi, helicopters, or a golf course. In a cell hewn from stone. The location, location, location? Er…. Not central; rather, the monastery’s furthest borough from fellow monks and the dining hall. There he could better focus on working out his redemption.
Vocational work is part of the monastic experience. The type varies by the monks’ ability. The intellectuals write, theologize, translate texts. Clearly Brother Donald would not be suited for this. While God can change one’s heart, the brain is another organ entirely. And the Great Jehovah is not the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz. So Brother Donald would be best suited for other work to keep his tiny and newly pious hands busy. He is good at salesmanship, we must give him that. However, the abbot would have to clear any sales presentations for honesty and integrity. OK, so that option is out. Simple, manual labor it is, then.
Regardless, the rest of us could move on while Brother Donald toils quietly, to tweet no more.

Here ends this revenge fantasy of a church history nerd.

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